iPhone Sales

Thursday, May 7, 2009

iPhone Keyboard Tips And Tricks

iPhone Keyboard Tips And Tricks

Every time that you have a new technology it requires you to learn how to use it. However, this can sometimes be extremely difficult, especially when there aren't very many resources to help you learn new techniques. A great example of this is with the new Apple iPhone. When you first purchase an iPhone, than you have probably spent many hours getting familiar with the various technologies that are inside this amazing cell phone, however, there are some tips that aren't learned by simply playing around with the phone. In order to learn about these tips, than you must first learn them, and one of the best tips concerns the keyboard.

When you have such a unique feature as the touch screen keyboard, than there are several tips that you must know in order to keep your messages flowing. When you follow these tips than you will be able to type quicker and error free, as well as being able to type easier than ever before. The first of these tips concerns actually typing the letters into the iPhone. When you want to enter a letter, you tap on it; however, the letter isn't placed onto the screen until you lift your finger off of it.

Thus, if you touch the wrong key than you can simply fix this error by sliding your finger to the correct letter. Then when you have found the right letter or number, you can lift your finger and the letter will be placed onto the screen. This tip helps fix the majority of errors, and will save you time.

Many people have found that the auto-correction feature within the keyboard is a great way to keep your writing clear and easy. However, it is very easy to accept a word that you didn't want to type. If you want to steer clear from this confusion than you need to learn how to accept and reject a suggested word. When you want to accept a word than you will want to tap either return, space or tap a punctuation mark. However, if you want to reject a suggested word, than you will simply want to finish typing the word you want and then you will have to tap the completed word.

A reminder, if you write a full word out two different times, and then tap on them both times, the iPhone will actually add the word to its dictionary. It takes a couple of weeks to store all of your most used words into the dictionary, however, once you have done this typing on your iPhone will be extremely fast.

The last tip has to deal with the capitalization of words. If you want to capitalize the first letter of a word, you simply tap the shift key and then tap the letter you want capitalized, but what happens when you want to capitalize the entire word? This is very easy, and doesn't require you to tap the shift key before each letter. You will want to go to settings and then tap general after that tap keyboard. From there you will tap "Enable Caps Lock," and then when you double tap the shift key it will light up blue, and now you will be able to type in all caps.


Thursday, April 30, 2009

How To Setup IMAP For Gmail On Your iPhone

How To Setup IMAP For Gmail On Your iPhone

If you haven't heard, Gmail is now becoming the number one e-mail client in the world. The reason for this is simple, they provide their account holders with constantly increasing supply of storage space, and the e-mail interface is extremely simple and easy to use. The Google e-mail service is just like the Google search engine, there aren't ads placed everywhere on your page, and you are able to find the information (or e-mails) that you want in a moments notice. Thus, if you are constantly on the go, you want to be able to check your Gmail account wherever you are.

If you have an Apple iPhone, than you are probably wondering how you can integrate your Gmail account within the iPhone to make checking your e-mail as simple as glancing at your phone.

Google has just recently announced that you are able to add a protocol to your iPhone strictly for Gmail accounts. This IMAP application allows Gmail account holders to check their e-mail on any offline e-mail readers, which is perfect for individuals who have an iPhone, and even for those that don't. It is extremely simple to install and run the IMAP application on your iPhone, thus allowing you to seamlessly integrate your iPhone to your Gmail account. The first step to beginning this process is to go to your Gmail account and enable IMAP. You can do this by logging into your Gmail account and then going to Settings. After that click on Forwarding and POP/IMAP, then click "Enable IMAP."

After you have done the above, grab your iPhone and tap Settings, then tap Mail. After you have done so, make sure that you click Add Account. After you have done so, do not click the Gmail option, because this has not been updated to the newest IMAP settings. Instead, click Other. Once you have done so, you will then begin to enter you information. You will start off by entering your Name, and then you will put the Host Name, which is: imap.gmail.com after you have done this enter your full Gmail account address, which includes the @gmail.com at the end of your username.

You will then move to the Outgoing Mail Server, or SMTP. Under the Host Name, you will want to put: smtp.gmail.com then save all of your changes. You have now just set up your IMAP Gmail account, thus allowing you to view all of your Gmail messages, both old and new.

Being able to check your e-mail wherever you are is extremely important in our fast paced society. Whether you are a business professional who needs constant access to their e-mail account, or if you simply want to be able to check your e-mail while taking a break in school, you will be able to do so when you activate your IMAP service on your iPhone. Communication is key in our world, and if you are unable to reply to e-mail messages quickly, than you may suffer the consequence, either professionally or socially. With the iPhone, you are able to stay connected to the world around you, no matter where you are.
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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

How To Send MMS Messages On iPhone

How To Send MMS Messages On iPhone

For those who have the Apple iPhone, it is probably quickly becoming your number one used electronic device, and why not? With such amazing features as internet access, music storage and the simplistic interface design, this product is literally taking the place of three major personal electronic devices. However, no matter what you use your iPhone for, it is still a cell phone, and with your cell phone there are several things that you expect it to do. One of the major reasons why so many people flocked towards the iPhone is because it promised to make text messaging extremely simple and convenient. And after using the iPhone for any length of time, it is easy to understand that text messaging with this cell phone is extremely easy and quick.

However, if you are used to being able to communicate to your friends and business partners through text and multimedia messages, or MMS, you may find yourself being extremely disappointed with the iPhone. The reason for this is because throughout all of the major improvements and superior features of the iPhone, it still lacks one simple feature. This feature is the ability to send MMS text messages, such as video and picture messaging. When many users first discovered the lack of this feature, there was an outcry because so many people rely on this means of communication to keep their contacts up-to-date on their current activities.

Even though the iPhone is an amazing piece of electronic equipment, not having the capabilities for sending MMS text messages is a major turn-off for so many potential customers and current ones as well. However, what if you were to find out that there was a way to get around this road block, and still send pictures of that funny looking dog to all your friends? Even though you can't send a MMS text message, there is a way to still send pictures to your friend's cell phones, without the means of text messaging. Most cell phones that have been made within recent years now come with e-mail capabilities, whether the users know this or not. It is by the means of e-mail that you are now able to send MMS messages to all of your friends.

It is extremely easy to do this with your iPhone, and requires very little time on your part. What you will do is "e-mail" the photos to your recipient; however, the person you are "e-mailing" doesn't have to have e-mail support on their phone in order to receive your message. The only requirement is your recipient must be able to receive MMS messages. What you will do is find the photo you want to send on your iPhone and tap the send photo link, which is located on the bottom left hand side of your iPhone.

To send the MMS message, you will include the recipient's phone number along with their carrier's e-mail prefix. An example of this would be 3145556847@tmomail.net for a T-mobile telephone number. This does require that you know who your recipient's carrier is, however, all you have to do is ask your friend who their cell phone carrier is. After you have done this, you will be able to send the MMS message to them, and they will receive it like a MMS text message.

Below are the Email Prefixes for the major cell phone carriers: Verizon, vzpix.com; AT&T/Cingular, mms.att.com; T-Mobile, tmomail.net; Sprint/Nextel, messaging.sprintpcs.com; Virgin Mobile, vmobl.net; Amp'd Mobile, vzwpix.com; Alltel, message.alltel.com

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Sunday, April 12, 2009

iPhone PED 3 Rotating Stand

iPhone PED 3 Rotating Stand

If you're like most people, than you probably have a very hectic and extremely busy life. Like most, you have mastered the art form of multitasking, and by doing so, you have adopted a cell phone that allows you to multitask unlike ever before. With the Apple iPhone, you can accomplish many tasks at once, by switching back and forth between e-mail, text messaging and surfing the web. However, as a busy individual, sometimes having to hold your iPhone can become too much and you aren't able to be as productive as you need to be.

This is especially true in an office environment, when you have a desktop computer, an office phone line and your iPhone. Trying to juggle all of these variables can end up in confusion or worse, a terrible headache. That's why when you have an iPhone; there are many products out there to help expand the helpfulness of this amazing product.

One of the best accessories that you can have with your iPhone is the PED 3 Rotating Stand. This amazing stand allows you to have a truly hands-free experience with your iPhone. Whether you are at home, or at the office, this accessory will prove itself to be a true lifesaver. How it works is very simple, you attach your iPhone to the stand, and it holds it in place, allowing you to use your hands for other ventures, such as writing that e-mail to your boss, or eating a turkey and cheese sandwich. Basically this stand is designed around the iPhone, thus it will fit seamlessly.

Once you set up your stand, you will notice that it has little arms sticking out, and it is these arms that will hold onto your iPhone, without obstructing the screen. Unlike other stands, this PED 3 iPhone stand allows you to use your iPhone just as if you were holding it. Once you place your iPhone into the stand, you will be able to actually rotate it from being vertical to horizontal.

You choose how you want to view your iPhone depending on what you are doing with the phone. If you are watching a movie while at work, than you will want to turn it horizontal, so you can enjoy a full-screen film. However, if you are sending a text message or talking on the phone, than you may want to keep it vertical.

This iPhone stand is literally like having an extra pair of hands. Once you purchase it, you will never want to live without it, because it provides you with security for your iPhone as well as it frees up your hands to continue throughout your workday. You are able to rotate this stand 360-degree, and also it comes with two various angle positions you can choose from. Also, you will never have to worry about this stand breaking because it has been made with superior steel construction as well as a baked on coating, which prevents chipping and other annoyances. And the grips that hold onto your iPhone are extremely soft, being made of metal that has been coated with rubber.

Friday, March 27, 2009

iPhone Signal Boosters

iPhone Signal Boosters

No matter what type of cell phone you have, there are certain qualities that you wish it had. Perhaps the number one complaint of all cell phones is the fact that they sometimes don't always have great signal strength. Whether you are travelling throughout the mountains, or live in an area of the country that doesn't have a great cell signal. When you have an iPhone, you want to be able to enjoy all of the services that the iPhone will give you, without having to worry about loosing signal strength. There is nothing more annoying than surfing the web, or checking your e-mail on your iPhone, and suddenly you loose service.

While many people think there is nothing you can do except hope they install more cell phone towers in your area, however, there are several things that you can do when you need to have boosted cell signal. The number one way that you can increase your cell signal is buy purchasing a cell signal booster. These are amazing little chips that you place on the back of your cell phone, and they will literally boost your cell phone signal to limits that you never thought could be. Perhaps one of the most popular cell phone signal boosters is the Wilson Cellular Amplifier. This amazing cell signal booster will keep your cell signal as high as possible throughout your day.

One of the greatest features about this cell signal booster s the fact that you can use your cell phone even when you're far away from any type of cell phone tower. Actually, you will have full coverage up to fifty miles away, thus you will rarely run out of cell service. With this signal booster, you will have twice the amount of cell service compared to if you did not have this signal booster. Another great feature about this cell signal booster is the fact that it will make your battery last longer.

Did you know that the amount of power that your cell phone puts out is in direct relation to how close it is to a cell signal site? Since your phone will "think" that it is much closer to the cell site than it actually is, you will experience a longer battery life.

The main time that you loose cell service is when you are travelling in your car. However, when you have The Wilson Cellular Amplifier for your iPhone, than you will rarely experience a loss of signal, this is because your cell signal is being amplified by an antenna that rests on the outside of your car. Thus, the cell signal is being amplified by the antenna that is located on your car, also since this antenna is so powerful you can have a car-full of cell phone users, and they will all experience increased cell service.

This cell service signal booster is absolutely perfect for the iPhone because it works on the GSM and EDGE technologies. If you are always worried about your cell signal power, than you will want to attach this cell signal amplifier to your iPhone, don't go a day without accessing full-power on your iPhone.


Friday, March 20, 2009

How To Make Your iPhone Ringer Louder

How To Make Your iPhone Ringer Louder

Perhaps one of the most aggravating aspects of having a cell phone is when you miss a telephone call. There are many reasons why you can miss a phone call, however, when you miss a very important call due to your ringer's low volume, this is extremely aggravating. If you own an iPhone, than you may have missed many phone calls due to the low ringer volume, which is very surprising. When you have a cell phone as high-tech as the iPhone, than you expect it to be able to properly notify you when you have a phone call, however, due to the iPhone's lower than normal ringer volume many people are missing phone calls. But what can you do about the iPhone's low ringer volume?

Many people who have an iPhone think that the reason why the ringer volume is so low is because of the iPhone's small speakers. And this makes sense because the smaller the speakers are, the lower the volume, right? While this may seem to be a great reason why the iPhone's volume is so low, it may not be the actual cause. The main cause for a ringer volume that is extremely low may be due to the actual audio levels in your phone. Many people have found that with their iPhone, the stock ringers have such a low volume. In order to fix this, you may have to find new ringtones other than those that are already on your iPhone.

The main cause for the ringtones being so quite is the fact that they are made of a low frequency. Thus, if you want to be able to have a louder ringtone, than you will need to find a ringtone that is made of a higher frequency. This may sound difficult, but you can find a higher frequency ringtone by simply turning to your computer. If you are a MAC owner, than you will be able to go into the application Garage Band and find a new ringtone within this location. Perhaps the best ringtone from Garage Band is the "Cell Phone Ringing" sound clip.

However, putting a new ringtone onto your iPhone requires a little work on your part. In order to put this clip onto your iPhone, than you will need to run iFunstastic, which is for individuals that have an Intel-MAC, or if you are using a Windows PC than you will want to run the application iPhoneRingToneMaker or iBrickr. These applications will install the ringtones from your computer to your iPhone, thus giving you the ability to have a ringtone that is clearly audible.

The key to having a successful ringtone is picking one that is naturally loud by default. This will increase the sound volume that is being release, and thus you will never miss another phone call because you didn't hear it. When you have an iPhone, you want to enjoy every aspect of it, however, if the volume of the iPhone is lower than desired, than you will not be able to enjoy your iPhone to its fullest.

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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

How to extend your iPhone battery life

How to extend your iPhone battery life

If there is anything that annoys more cell phone users it is loosing battery power while you are on the phone. This has happened to nearly everybody, and at least once it caught you by complete surprise. When you are running a cell phone as powerful as the iPhone, it is easy to understand why the battery power begins to drain. When you are listening to your favorite song, checking your email and text messaging several friends at once, you are requiring a lot of the cell phones' power. Thus, you will begin to drain your cell phone of battery life quicker than you thought.

Even though, on the Apple website, they clearly explain the battery life expectations, they only include the information if you are running one application at a time. However, if iPhone users are known for anything, it is for their ability to multitask. Yet, multitasking means a shorter battery life.

However, there are several things that you can do to make your iPhone's battery life even longer. Of course, the iPhone isn't known for draining its battery extremely quick, there is always room for a prolonged battery performance. If you follow these tips, than you will have an iPhone that lasts you longer than you could even imagine. Perhaps the best tip that anyone with an iPhone can follow is to simply turn off your Bluetooth if you are not using it. Very little people understand that when you keep your Bluetooth turned on, when you are not using it, you are draining your battery.

This is because there is a set amount of power that is controlled by the Bluetooth section of your iPhone, and the power is draining because the phone is constantly searching for other Bluetooth devices. If you do not want to pair with a Bluetooth device, than make sure that your Bluetooth is turned off.

Another tip to making your battery life on your iPhone last longer is to always lock your iPhone when you are done using it. When you are finished talking on the phone with your best friend, checking your e-mail or sending a text message, make sure that you activate the lock button. Many people wait for the screen to shut down by itself after they are using it, while this may seem like a great idea, you are wasting battery life by doing so. Also, make sure that you set your auto-lock because this is a great way to ensure your phone will lock itself just in case you forget to. There are many iPhone owners that set their auto lock for five minutes after use.

However, if you multiply this five minutes of power usage by ten times per day, your battery will not last you as long as you might think. This is why it is always suggested that you set your auto lock for one minute (1) after you have completed using your phone. This will ensure that the iPhone screen will not stay lit when it is not being used. If you want to have a hassle-free way to save battery life, than this is the way to do it.
