iPhone Sales

Friday, March 27, 2009

iPhone Signal Boosters

iPhone Signal Boosters

No matter what type of cell phone you have, there are certain qualities that you wish it had. Perhaps the number one complaint of all cell phones is the fact that they sometimes don't always have great signal strength. Whether you are travelling throughout the mountains, or live in an area of the country that doesn't have a great cell signal. When you have an iPhone, you want to be able to enjoy all of the services that the iPhone will give you, without having to worry about loosing signal strength. There is nothing more annoying than surfing the web, or checking your e-mail on your iPhone, and suddenly you loose service.

While many people think there is nothing you can do except hope they install more cell phone towers in your area, however, there are several things that you can do when you need to have boosted cell signal. The number one way that you can increase your cell signal is buy purchasing a cell signal booster. These are amazing little chips that you place on the back of your cell phone, and they will literally boost your cell phone signal to limits that you never thought could be. Perhaps one of the most popular cell phone signal boosters is the Wilson Cellular Amplifier. This amazing cell signal booster will keep your cell signal as high as possible throughout your day.

One of the greatest features about this cell signal booster s the fact that you can use your cell phone even when you're far away from any type of cell phone tower. Actually, you will have full coverage up to fifty miles away, thus you will rarely run out of cell service. With this signal booster, you will have twice the amount of cell service compared to if you did not have this signal booster. Another great feature about this cell signal booster is the fact that it will make your battery last longer.

Did you know that the amount of power that your cell phone puts out is in direct relation to how close it is to a cell signal site? Since your phone will "think" that it is much closer to the cell site than it actually is, you will experience a longer battery life.

The main time that you loose cell service is when you are travelling in your car. However, when you have The Wilson Cellular Amplifier for your iPhone, than you will rarely experience a loss of signal, this is because your cell signal is being amplified by an antenna that rests on the outside of your car. Thus, the cell signal is being amplified by the antenna that is located on your car, also since this antenna is so powerful you can have a car-full of cell phone users, and they will all experience increased cell service.

This cell service signal booster is absolutely perfect for the iPhone because it works on the GSM and EDGE technologies. If you are always worried about your cell signal power, than you will want to attach this cell signal amplifier to your iPhone, don't go a day without accessing full-power on your iPhone.


Friday, March 20, 2009

How To Make Your iPhone Ringer Louder

How To Make Your iPhone Ringer Louder

Perhaps one of the most aggravating aspects of having a cell phone is when you miss a telephone call. There are many reasons why you can miss a phone call, however, when you miss a very important call due to your ringer's low volume, this is extremely aggravating. If you own an iPhone, than you may have missed many phone calls due to the low ringer volume, which is very surprising. When you have a cell phone as high-tech as the iPhone, than you expect it to be able to properly notify you when you have a phone call, however, due to the iPhone's lower than normal ringer volume many people are missing phone calls. But what can you do about the iPhone's low ringer volume?

Many people who have an iPhone think that the reason why the ringer volume is so low is because of the iPhone's small speakers. And this makes sense because the smaller the speakers are, the lower the volume, right? While this may seem to be a great reason why the iPhone's volume is so low, it may not be the actual cause. The main cause for a ringer volume that is extremely low may be due to the actual audio levels in your phone. Many people have found that with their iPhone, the stock ringers have such a low volume. In order to fix this, you may have to find new ringtones other than those that are already on your iPhone.

The main cause for the ringtones being so quite is the fact that they are made of a low frequency. Thus, if you want to be able to have a louder ringtone, than you will need to find a ringtone that is made of a higher frequency. This may sound difficult, but you can find a higher frequency ringtone by simply turning to your computer. If you are a MAC owner, than you will be able to go into the application Garage Band and find a new ringtone within this location. Perhaps the best ringtone from Garage Band is the "Cell Phone Ringing" sound clip.

However, putting a new ringtone onto your iPhone requires a little work on your part. In order to put this clip onto your iPhone, than you will need to run iFunstastic, which is for individuals that have an Intel-MAC, or if you are using a Windows PC than you will want to run the application iPhoneRingToneMaker or iBrickr. These applications will install the ringtones from your computer to your iPhone, thus giving you the ability to have a ringtone that is clearly audible.

The key to having a successful ringtone is picking one that is naturally loud by default. This will increase the sound volume that is being release, and thus you will never miss another phone call because you didn't hear it. When you have an iPhone, you want to enjoy every aspect of it, however, if the volume of the iPhone is lower than desired, than you will not be able to enjoy your iPhone to its fullest.

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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

How to extend your iPhone battery life

How to extend your iPhone battery life

If there is anything that annoys more cell phone users it is loosing battery power while you are on the phone. This has happened to nearly everybody, and at least once it caught you by complete surprise. When you are running a cell phone as powerful as the iPhone, it is easy to understand why the battery power begins to drain. When you are listening to your favorite song, checking your email and text messaging several friends at once, you are requiring a lot of the cell phones' power. Thus, you will begin to drain your cell phone of battery life quicker than you thought.

Even though, on the Apple website, they clearly explain the battery life expectations, they only include the information if you are running one application at a time. However, if iPhone users are known for anything, it is for their ability to multitask. Yet, multitasking means a shorter battery life.

However, there are several things that you can do to make your iPhone's battery life even longer. Of course, the iPhone isn't known for draining its battery extremely quick, there is always room for a prolonged battery performance. If you follow these tips, than you will have an iPhone that lasts you longer than you could even imagine. Perhaps the best tip that anyone with an iPhone can follow is to simply turn off your Bluetooth if you are not using it. Very little people understand that when you keep your Bluetooth turned on, when you are not using it, you are draining your battery.

This is because there is a set amount of power that is controlled by the Bluetooth section of your iPhone, and the power is draining because the phone is constantly searching for other Bluetooth devices. If you do not want to pair with a Bluetooth device, than make sure that your Bluetooth is turned off.

Another tip to making your battery life on your iPhone last longer is to always lock your iPhone when you are done using it. When you are finished talking on the phone with your best friend, checking your e-mail or sending a text message, make sure that you activate the lock button. Many people wait for the screen to shut down by itself after they are using it, while this may seem like a great idea, you are wasting battery life by doing so. Also, make sure that you set your auto-lock because this is a great way to ensure your phone will lock itself just in case you forget to. There are many iPhone owners that set their auto lock for five minutes after use.

However, if you multiply this five minutes of power usage by ten times per day, your battery will not last you as long as you might think. This is why it is always suggested that you set your auto lock for one minute (1) after you have completed using your phone. This will ensure that the iPhone screen will not stay lit when it is not being used. If you want to have a hassle-free way to save battery life, than this is the way to do it.


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

How To Clean Your iPhone

How To Clean Your iPhone

When you have a product, such as the iPhone, it is imperative that you care for this electronic device so that it will last you many years. However, one of the easiest ways to care for your Apple iPhone is not to go out and purchase various products to keep it safe throughout its life, while that is important, the best way to show your new cell phone some T.L.C. is through simply cleaning it. However, this poses a major problem for many people. The reason for this is because since the iPhone is such a unique device, and its screen is so sensitive to touch, many people don't know how they can properly clean their iPhone without damaging it.

Of course, when you are cleaning your iPhone, you don't want to simply wash it with any type of cleaners, because these cleaners could actually cause the iPhone to malfunction, thus giving you a defective product. When you are cleaning your iPhone, you must ensure that you take extra care, and don't do it if you are in a rush. The reason behind this is because if you are lazy, or in a hurry, you may damage the inner workings of the iPhone, as well as the ever important screen. When you are cleaning your iPhone, there are several items that you must have. These items will allow you to effectively clean your phone without damaging the sensitive touch screen or the inner workings of your fantastic cell phone.

Before you clean your iPhone, you need to make sure that you have the following items: water, microfiber cloth and your favorite CD to relax you and make the process enjoyable. Make sure that you NEVER use any type of chemical agents to clean your iPhone, because these can actually hinder the way the screen interacts with you. Once you have gathered all of the items sit down and place the water in a small cup. With the microfiber cloth, which is available through the many various iPhone retailers, dip the corner of the cloth into the water, allowing it to become saturated with the water.

Make sure that you do not use too much water though, a good way to test to see if you have enough water is to grab a piece of glass, or go to a mirror, and with the wet cloth wipe off a corner. If there is streaming water drops coming from where you wiped the mirror, than you have too much water on the cloth and you need to dry it out some.

You want to be able to wipe your iPhone screen without having drops of water left behind. Next, take the slightly wetted cloth and begin to wipe the screen of your iPhone in a up-and-down motion. Do not wipe in circles, because this can leave behind smudges that are unsightly when you turn on your iPhone. It will usually take one or two wipes to clean the entire surface of your iPhone. How often you clean your iPhone depends on how much you use it. Since the screen of your phone is the interface to the entire product, than you will be using it constantly, thus the oils from your fingers will begin to build up and create a dingy look to the screen. Average users clean their iPhone once a week, maybe once every two weeks.
